Care Guide

Welcome to the Clothing Care section at Hippikart, where we're dedicated to helping you keep your pure cotton garments looking and feeling their best for years to come. Our premium cotton clothing deserves the best care, and we're here to guide you through it. 

Gentle Washing

Machine wash your cotton T-shirts in cold water on a gentle cycle. Avoid hot water, as it can cause shrinkage and fading. Use a mild detergent to preserve the fabric's softness and color vibrancy.

Turn Inside Out

Before tossing your T-shirt into the wash, turn it inside out. This helps to protect any prints or embellishments and reduces friction against the fabric, preserving its smooth texture.

Avoid Overloading

Don't overcrowd the washing machine. Give your T-shirts plenty of room to move around freely during the wash cycle, preventing excessive friction and stretching.

Skip the Bleach

Bleach can weaken cotton fibers and cause yellowing over time. Opt for bleach-free detergents or natural alternatives to keep your whites bright without compromising the integrity of the fabric.

Cool Drying

Air drying is the gentlest option for drying your cotton T-shirt. Lay them flat on a drying rack or hang them to dry in a shaded area away from direct sunlight. If using a dryer, Slect a low heat setting to prevent shrinkage maintain the fabric's softness.

Iron with Care

If necessary, iron your cotton T-shirts while they're still slightly damp using a low to medium heat setting. Avoid ironing directly over prints or embellishments to prevent damage.


Store your cotton T-shirts in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent discoloration and mildew. Avoid hanging them on wire hangers, as they can stretch out the fabric. Instead, fold them neatly to maintain their shape.